Project business

Project business is a Mirawi specialty. Timely involvement of Mirawi in the project helps our customers to avoid many legal, logistical, customs, and tax risks that may otherwise arise during the structuring or implementation of the project. Our contribution consists mainly of:

1. Project structuring

We consider different project structures and analyze conceivable approaches and the associated risks. We also assess the impact of regulatory requirements, tax and customs requirements, each of which may be critical in choosing a project structure. Our team works closely with specialists in the tax, customs, engineering, and legal sectors in the country of origin and the destination country and has extensive experience in transfer pricing and its impact on the customs value.

2. Development of contractual relationships

In this phase, we draft and analyze the agreements which govern collaboration between the various parties involved directly and indirectly in the project. Among others, this includes partners who offer services required as part of the project.

3. Development of delivery logistics

Detailed development of the delivery logistics helps to minimize transportation costs and thus contributes to the effective use of investments. Our expertise and project-specific approach enables us to consider all the pros and cons of various logistics options.

4. Preparation of documents

The documents required for the implementation of the project must be created long before the deliveries are initiated. These documents consist mainly of licenses and permits, decisions of the competent authorities, Classification decisions, and certificates and declarations which confirm the compliance of the goods with the mandatory requirements pertaining to the technical regulations and applicable standards. Our experience and collaboration with reliable partners for this stage allow us to minimize regulatory risks and to prepare all registration documents in a timely fashion.

5. Project implementation

During project implementation, we assume the role of managing agent for all deliveries by continuously coordinating and harmonizing the activities of all project participants and the process of monitoring all logistical and customs-related factors involved in the deliveries. All our efforts are geared toward the success of the project, which must meet the high standards of our professional team.

6. Project completion

The completion of the import process of technological equipment involves the verification of an enormous amount of data and documents as well as ascertaining the fulfillment of contractual obligations and Classification decisions received. We competently and effectively support our customers throughout this process by organizing and explaining the necessary project aspects and preparing reports for the customs authorities and other supervisory bodies on the part of the customer.


Mirawi GmbH
Kötzer Straße 12A
89347 Bubesheim